I'm the only one in this left alive
I got my father saying peeps (short for people, if you're fucking 90). There's something completely hilarious about hearing a nearly-57-year-old white guy stick peeps into his conversations. He was talking to his mother earlier today, and he said (of whom I know not), "Well, he is good peeps."
Also earlier today (yesterday, technically [June 15, 2003]), I was browsing a websiteful of obscure words. He and I are both word fans (lexiphiles), so as I was browsing I was copying choice words into a Word document for his entertainment.
When I finished, I handed my father the pageful of nifty words and he enjoyed them, commenting occasionally. Then he said, "I'll use these. I just hope the definitions are right. If the definitions are wrong, these words are lexifuckupimous."