And So It Begins... Again.

Some years ago, I maintained a stupid movie blog. I’d occasionally update it with inane comments on the movies I’d watched, including the order I watched them, and the method by which I watched them. After a while, it went from a glorified list, its raison d’être, to a perpetual annoyance.

To be honest, I don’t particularly care if anyone else knows what I think about the movies I see. But recently I’ve browsed the old blog a couple times to see what I thought of some movie I can no longer remember very well, or to look up some other included ephemera. So I now see that it does have some utility:  as a record for me - for the dystopian moments when I actually feel like reading what I once thought; or for when I need or want some actually helpful bit of information. I don’t care if anyone else ever sees this. But sometime in the future, I may want to look back at it. And that’s why it’s worth keeping — or, as it were, restarting.

And so that’s what this will be. I hope to make it look a bit better, to have some fun with its design — that ought to help keep it interesting, to keep me posting. But it’ll just be a record for me, probably not terribly interesting to anyone else; a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

En garde.