I Quote.

"I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

For as long as I can remember, I've loved quotations - lines of thought that beautifully or economically encapsulate some idea I find compelling, even if I don't agree.

I share this love of quotes (and words - language, really) with my dad. Sometimes, in e-mails, we exchange bits of writings or words that we’ve discovered. Sometimes they’re humorous or deep; sometimes they’re insipid and funny. Altho the latter type won’t surface here - the atmosphere of the Internet allows them plenty of oxygen already. (Unless, that is, you disagree with a quote I’ve posted.)

Where others might store useful skills or talents, I keep words and quotes. This helps me communicate when needed, and to covertly fill my otherwise ho-hum writing with allusions and homages few will recognize. But it isn’t otherwise profitable. However, it’s an inheretence I’d be reluctant to part with.

So here’re some quotes (occasionally other things, too). Enjoy.