Too Many Losses

15 days. Half a month.


I didn’t get back to this yesterday because my second job had an amazing amount of work – and I will need the money.

Because, after getting home the night before, shit got hard, I woke up early and called in sick. If I can remember to, I’ll take my father’s birthday off from now on. It was the right choice.


My Australian friend hopped aboard a big old jet airliner and returned (I hope) to Australia. That added an extra sting to the day, in addition to it being my father’s 73rd birthday.

And the Astros got destroyed, 10-3, which didn’t help. (Today, they lost 4-1.) After having the best record in baseball in the regular season, they’re .500 in the postseason. The regular season also started off rough (I think they were 2-5 at after the first week) before being incredible for the rest of the year. Hopefully, Games 3 and 4’s stumbles are a slight echo, and not a sign of doom.


I’ve forgotten most of what I wanted to say. Because I think of things when I’m walking, and don’t want to deal with pulling out my phone, opening the iA Writer app, finding my “Eulogy” file, scrolling to the bottom, etc. So I bought a Moleskine (softcover, black) to keep thoughts about him in. I bought it almost totally with points, which was a nice plus.


I ended the night by taking a really long walk that ended up being so warm I stopped to remove the pull-over I was wearing. Yesterday included a couple really long walks, and two visits to this Starbucks. Today likely will, too.


I started the day by having lost a little bit of weight, which is the only benefit, as I said, of all this.


Half a month, already. 15 days. Dammit.