
My family never made new year's resolutions and so I never thought much of or about them until I was around 18 and hella fat. I decided one year around then to try my own. The only idea I could muster was to avoid eating hamburgers for a year. I did – for three years. (I decided whatever the point was had been proven so I returned to eating hamburgers.)

This year, I'm gonna try again:

  • To read more.

I'm unconcerned with finishing books – or at least a set number of them. I just want to read more – articles, magazines, books, etc.; especially from The New Yorker, which I subscribed to last year and read tragically little of.

  • To draw more.

I'm not great at drawing, but I'm also not terrible. I love it, and I do have a modicum – a hair – of talent. I'd like to explore that more. See if I can turn a little into a bit. And maybe someday a bit into some money....

  • To study Japanese

It's ridiculous that I've been in Japan as long as I have and my level is as low as it is. I'm unconcerned with being fluent, but I'd like to be able to get my fucking point across without getting flustered and embarrased or running away in shame.

  • And to play some ukulele

Music is important to me, but I can't play any instruments. I do own a (cheap) ukulele, tho, that I've touched exceedingly rarely. I wanna change that. It'd be pretty sweet to be able to play a song or two, or ten, or ten-thousand. To see what it's like to know something about music other than the tunes themselves.


I don't know how these will shake out, and none of them come with any rules or solid goals attached, but each and all would go a long way toward improving my state of mind, and my shitty self-reflections.

When the baby drops in 2023, I'd like to regret a little less. This year is young; it's a good time to start.