
As in 2020*, I collected random phrases that, for whatever reason, struck my fancy. This year's list includes one by me; last year's had none. I liked the phrase, so I entered it, but that somehow seems transgressive. We'll see if I add anything of mine this year. Regardless, here are phrases and stuff from 2021 that I liked. There's no point to this other that that.


Everyone drinks the same Coke, and everyone buys the same iPhone.
There's always more, and it's always worse. But it's never new.
Services offered, services denied
Aptitude and ingenuity
A poke of gold
Ahistorical narrativizing
Magnificently unprepared (for the long littleness of life)
Died of wounds
The gibbet or the wheel
treated discourteously by the king and queen
Computationally expensive
A crescendo of nices
Liquid piss
Triangular series
2nd generation toothbrush
Grave wax
Stable table
Himalayan asshole
Time to lean, time to clean
A separate and individual peril
cultivating immortality or going to the temple
The platforms and the possibilities
Promoting communal enmity and creating a riot-like situation
Flub the crop
Cometh the hour, cometh the man
Hitting efficiency = kills-errors-blocks) / attempts
”He may not have been grammatical, but he was eloquent.”
Auspicious cloud bank
Gold medal point
Dairy free peanut butter
The burned out lightbulb of old ideas
A tiny pebble into any pond
Gave one to understand
More decorative than murderous
The circumvallations of a fortification
Fertile in inventions
The armed peace
Peace under hard terms
Awful barricade of dead and wounded
Truck-stop stupid
The German situation
Wore a terrible air
Separate and discrepant
Attractive forces
The butchery of the unknown by the unseen
The great god Pain
A special dose of hate
Kill by category
White gloves and red pants
Stopped by the barrier of the slain
Closely-packed men
The howling wounded
Girls seduced in the back lanes of Wurtemburg and Westphalia
A century of middle-class love
Borderline kinda disrespectful
Light poles in the sidewalk
Unity of heaven and humanity
The natural is more advanced than the artificial
Gallant divisions of heroic human beings
Rear-echelon patriots
Jonnie Walker wisdom
Fine in material and fashionable in pattern
Hospital quiet
The basic mechanics of necklaces
Sharp and endless pain
Breath mints and soap
This land of omnipresent wind


* Looking now, I can't find the 2020 list, so I seem not to have published it. I'll post it next, I suppose. The hell?