Another Video, Part One

My favorite form of exercise is cycling. When I can, I go for bike rides, choosing from a few differet routes. But when time is constrained, or when I get on the bike and realize it's not in me, I limit my ride to a simple circle about 25km in length.

After buying a GoPro HERO5 Session, recently (actually, it was a gift...), I bought an axle mount, made by Rec-Mount, and attached it to my front wheel. Because I wanted to record the entire route on a single ride, it had to fit within a single charge. So I took the shorter circuit and made it back in time.

Since then, I've been futzing around with the video, ultimately deciding to cut it in half because it would othrwise be ridiculously long. After finally, adding music that, I think, fails least badly, I uploaded it. Part two will be easier and so should follow sooner than Part One followed my boats-on-Tokyo-Bay timelapse (posted immediately below this one).


Tried out my new GoPro Session 5, by attaching it to my bike's front axle and zoomed around Tokyo for 20-something kilometers. It was hot and windy. This is part one. Part two will be posted soon/someday, probably.