
Continuing my demi-trend of sequential monthly posts, here’s my list of all the movies and TV shows I watched in February, and the ways in which I watched them. As in January, YouTube, etc, isn’t included – which is turning into a godsend, because I watched a ton of videos on YouTube last month….

I didn’t say this in my January post, but I should have: altho the items in the lists are in the order I finished each one it is slightly misleading: movies are added to the list upon completion, and TV seasons/series are added upon completion of the first episode. They are not in the actual order I watched each and every episode. For example: below, I have season 4 of Better Call Saul preceding The Young Pope. This means that I began watching BCS before I began TYP. It doesn’t mean I finished episode 7 of BCS before starting episode 1 of TYP (I didn’t).

This system, while less precise, keeps the lists from becoming repetitive and unwieldy. Take it as read that I skip around a lot.


Don’t Fuck With Cats (S1E2 & 3) (iPhone)
The Mandalorian (S1E8) (iMac)
Pandemic (S1E1) (iPhone)
Better Call Saul (S4E1-7) (iPhone)
The Young Pope (S1E1-5) (iMac)
Kevin Hart - I’m a Grown Little Man (iPhone/iMac)
The Pharmacist (S1E1) (iPhone)
Parasite (iMac)
Vision Quest (iMac)
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (iMac)


Here’s January’s (substantially longer) list.