
Here’s the latest update to my sneeze totals.

January was flu-shortened; February was day-shortened; so, March was the first regular month I’ve kept track of, and, predictably, it currently leads all categories.

I should note one key factor: it’s quite possible that I failed to add 5 sneezes. I think they were included, but, careful not to add them twice, I left them unrecorded after I remembered them later. I’m around 75% sure I included them, but 25% is an uncomfortably-high percentage so this is worth noting.

Also, hopefully this goes without saying, but I’m not doing anything to pad these numbers. I sneeze a lot. The whole point of this ridiculous exercise is to answer a softly nagging question I’ve had for years: how much do I sneeze?


January’s total: 51 (1.6451 per day)
February’s total: 69 (2.3793/d)
March’s total: 79 (2.5483/d)

2020 subtotal: 199 sneezes in 91 days: 2.1868/d.