New to The New Yorker again

In my younger and more literate days, before getting married and upending my daily habits, I used to read The New Yorker all the time – and books by its writers, and books about its members, and stories about its goings-on. At first, for a few years, I'd finish every issue, but later, I'd fail to and get a nice case of New Yorker guilt like the rest of you. But getting a new issue, sitting down, and reading through it was fascinating and fun for me – therapeutic, too; it's a habit I’ve missed for years.

My subscription lapsed, sometime in the decade-and-a-half since, and I havn't picked up an issue since (with the rare exception of a big event – Obama becoming President, for example). Actually, I still haven't picked up an issue. But I did recently resubscribe – on my iPad. It hasn't been long, and I don't know if I can rebuild the habit. But I've gotten thru a couple issues and I'm enjoying it all over again.

Two articles of note, so far:

The mammoth and fascinating The Plague Year, by Lawrence Wright, which is totes gonna win some awards. (And which, I've just discovered, has a related New Yorker Radio Hour episode here.)

And this, by Nick Paumgarten, which I finished last night and absolutely loved. Interestingly, it's called Bad Influencer in the magazine, but Trolling the Great Outdoors online.
