
Today is my father's 76th birthday – or it would be had he not died 3 years ago.

I'm not sure what to do in his honor, or in his absence, but I'll take a bike ride and try to figure something out.

I miss that dude. I wish he were still here to call and chat with, joke with, laugh with.



I did take a cold bike ride this morning. After the soaking rain of the last two days everything was wet, and so was the too-humid air. Later, the sun came out and the day was beautiful. But during my ride the going was slow and hard and not-at-all fun. And, nearing home, a cabbie tried to kill me. (Well, he cut me off for no discernible reason. My back is locked up, my neck hurts, and I have a headache.)

But I spent the day otherwise, afterward, having fun. And my dad would've been pleased with that.

I'd call him if I could. It's morning now in America, the sun rising on his 76th birthday. I hope he's somewhere comfortable and cosy with books and all eternity to enjoy them.