
Firefox still exists, but I assume this extention disappeared ages hence. But poetry, dear reader, lasts forever.


One of the great things about Firefox is you can add little extentions to it, so that, say, you can search any number of sites from the wee search box that's provided. You just find a new one and add it.

My favorite extention is a series of weather forecast icons at the bottom right of the browser window. The forecasts update frequently, and can be costumized to show any number of days (within reason), but that's not why I like having them there.

I like the extension because its forcasts are occasionally - not always, but sometimes - poetic. A couple days ago, it said, I swear, "Clouds Containing the Sun", instead of 'mostly-cloudy'. Right now it says (about tomorrow) 'Times of Clouds and Sun'.

I've just finished English as She is Spoke and these wee forcasts sound awfully like something from that book; they sound as if they've been run thru not-very-good machine translators a few times, before finally being forced back into delightful English.