Little Red Mor-bid

Day 26


As I said, the day started hard; included a carryover funk; the Astros lost; I did a small amount of in-Starbucks work and ate a root-veggie wrap.


I returned home after the Starbucks, after wandering a little, kinda aimlessly. Listened to some ancient tech podcasts I’ve been working thru for a few years whenever I catch up on current podcasts. Because of this, I again looked into using Pinboard and again decided it doesn't serve a need I have; I just don’t think I use the Internets the way its users do. But I did look at its “popular” page and read several articles from it.


At home, I forced myself to take a nap. For the first half-hour, I woke up every 10 minutes, but I did manage to sleep about one hour, all told. I’m still awfully tired.

I also walked to a local store afterward, and bought a few small things to eat. And now I’m sitting in a nearby laundromat, washing clothes, doing this, waiting for work to appear (spoiler: it won’t). Later, I may walk back to Starbucks and do something else productive.

Gotta be up early for work tomorrow.


Day 26. A lack of progress after yesterday’s reversion.