
April comes thru with a respectable, but not record-setting number of 78 sneezes – one sneeze and one day fewer than in March. With that average tho, April does set a new mark in terms of sneezes-per-day – which is, of course, the whole reason we’re here.

This trend does continue to illustrate just how anomalous January’s no-sneezes-for-the-first-ten-days was. That 51 looks evermore strange as we see a truer representation of my irritating (and irritated!) nasal activities.


January’s total: 51 (1.6451 per day)
February’s total: 69 (2.3793/d)
March’s total: 79 (2.5483/d)
April’s total: 78 (2.6/d)

2020 subtotal: 277 sneezes in 121 days: 2.289/d.