
I've kept this list going for two years, and it's my favorite thing I've done. Idea, rules, collection, execution are all mine. I'm fond of that.

Anyway, here it is, random phrases I saw, heard, or read in 2022 that struck my fancy for whatever reason.


More unique than universal
Calm his white nationalist mob
The Super Bowl was my chocolate
Apes together strong
The Milwaukee protocol
Empathy or apathy
Liminal bin
Ad hoc archaeology
Little better, little worse
The Soul toil kills
Causes context collapse
Orthopedic ass
Morbid suit
Disassociated persons
Starlight and midnight
Full-time glass facetor
Ecclesiastical Latin
scrotal temperature asymmetry
Pets of belonging
Hang my pens
Fix the sicks (seen in 2011, but forgotten)
Continuous howls of merriments
The cretins of the Alps
The beautiful mystery
Horseshit, cowshit, cowboys, and Mexicans
Molestation-minded prairie scum
Fuck me swinging
wet-bulb temperature
Using her fists in scientific fashion
A positive dislike
Stroke of apoplexy
Like the cool sting at the end of wet fist
Wet piñata
A hysteria of terror
Sense of vocation
Soft automaticity
Harbinger of hippies
Halal au pair
Dynamite on kites
A clusterfuck and a dumpster fire
Top-flight metropolitan tenor
Exclusive of taxes
uniform and active in strength
The superficial and the substantial
Aunt Bobby and Uncle Joe
Their private surgeries
Pig-shit ignorant
Mobile phone vibrator industry
Pigeons and police horse
Equilibrium with the sea
Indecent and infamous invention of depravity
Established by conclusive proof
Getting pucks in deep
Competitive accomplishments
Fire polishing


Here's 2021's list.