
I've been doing some stuff a bit differently this year. Trying to get back to enjoying life, even if it's something I have to force, at long last.


I decided to change gyms, as a start, and seem to have done that successfully. My new gym is smaller and farther away, but it's sparsely populated (to say the least: I haven't seen more than a few people at any one point) and much cheaper. And, the precipitating factor: its new-year campaign (the first three months of the year are free and the fourth month is only like $20).

Been going for a couple weeks. Enjoying it so far; getting back some of the pleasure I had when I started at the first gym almost exactly a year ago, a couple months post-op. I'd gotten to the point of hating that gym, the people especially. (Shitty rich people just ain't my bag.)

So far, I've gone all but one day. I hurt everywhere. It's kinda nice....


Additionally, I started to read again – to force a habit I've let lapse for... jesus, years at this point. Always wanted to dip into Wodehouse to see if the hype matches the skill. A hair beyond halfway into his first book, I'm basically loving it. But I always love old writing. The use of antiquated words, outdated phrases and rhythms, are fun to me – as dumb as that sounds. I've highlighted nearly the whole book so far....


I've never needed a schedule/calendar – I'm not made for that type of work. So I've long used mine to save information I want to remember – something I did that day or something worth noting (a famous death, for a nested example), etc. And even this, only occasionally. I started doing this because it seemed like I should use the calendar for something. It's there and free and syncs and italics after all.

Back when Starbucks offered little cards with free songs and apps, I first learned about Day One. (This is also how I discovered Instapaper, an app I loved for years.) I thought at the time that I should start using it to write simple life updates. What, 15 years later? – I've started doing just that. It's oddly fun to recap the day, which is all I've used it for so far. Hopefully it'll be interesting in a year, or five or 80, to look back at the minor, inane shit I did on any particular day. Which is the same idea I had at the time, like 15 years ago....