
This is the best thing I keep track of, if not the best thing I do altogether:

Here are 2023's bits of random phrases, some from me, most not, that struck me interesting for whatever reason; all were seen/heard in 2023.


Fuckable foot
Fuck off, he hinted
Galvanized us in the watching
Either failed immediately or failed eventually
Cream & Bastards Rise
Disconcert the shooter
Diplomatic evasion
Attitude of attentive repose
Your sorrowing friends
Heeled absolutely cleanly
Capering women and monkey-faced men
Useless in retail
Bubbling cauldron of creativity
Layout judgment
Solid spine of decency
An Administration of the vengeful
Culture catch on
Superman and The Idiot
Cosmetic discoloration
Abort Retry Fail
Pausing for data lag
Losses are lessons
The closer the knit, the tighter the fit
Got my candle relumed without danger
Weak monarch in a dangerous interregnum
Radical transparency
Pure vision of an invented world
Brutal and summary injustice
More apparent than sincere
Headbutt your mouth’s face
Comet-haunted emptiness
The horns of the cuckold
Contagious abortion in cattle
Gentle hills, planted in wheat
Sin-guilty consciences
You have a problem I don’t have and I have a solution you don’t need
Creates the entertainment perfect
Russia's sunless orbit
The tenement den
Innocent and magnificent
Consistent system
White gaussian noise
Gross hugging
Shine my halo!
Fantastic pistachio
A moment to learn, a life to misunderstand
Lay low and wear beige
A matched pair of neurological events
The N-word situation
You’re on the wing; I’m out the way
Good Conservative nonsense
The stage of dignified reluctance
Lyrical beauty and ethical depth
Repertoire of adornment
Unconscious thought
World’s oldest glacier mummy
A high pitch of excellence
Parlor bolshevik; armchair bolshevik
Toweringly disagreeable people
Serially cascaded
There remained things unchanged
Getting plowed in the dumper
Smattering of indifference
Literate rudeness
In a transport of agony and ecstasy
As shattering as buggery
Solipsistic whimsey
Grotesquely ornamental shins
Itinerant typesetter
An air-conditioned demonstrator
Smeared by high velocity
Inharmonious with the mood of the lounge
An orgy of masochism
Both barrels of the Interstate
Withered balloon of an old man
Gymnasium shoes
A tissue of misunderstandings and impossibilities
The possible and the aspirational
The best revenge
Fully-deployed John
When I attended her dying
Mothers and things
A succession of embraces and escapes
Wonderful for the vanity
The sharp sunshine of the dusty street
The new sincerity
An expensive coach with a bad team
Spectacular tedium
A somber condo


Here are 2022's.
And 2021's.