
Only 50 sneezes this month. Clearly, cycling and hot weather make an impact. Inexplicably, 10-12 of these sneezes happened in the last two days. Dunno what that was about as nothing else had changed. Lowest month total yet. (The same will not be true of September.)


January’s total: 51 (1.6451 per day)
February’s total: 69 (2.3793/d)
March’s total: 79 (2.5483/d)
April’s total: 78 (2.6/d)
May’s total: 73 (2.354/d)
June’s total: 60 (2/d)
July’s total: 56 (1.806/d)
August’s total: 50 (1.612/d)

2020 subtotal: 516 sneezes in 244 days: 2.11475/d.