
There was a fair share of this month – at least a week – where, because I had a cold, i didn’t sneeze. Then there were the last couple/few days where I sneezed like 12 times. Weird. In any case, Summer having ended, my sneeze-counts are clearly ticking back up.


January’s total: 51 (1.6451 per day)
February’s total: 69 (2.3793/d)
March’s total: 79 (2.5483/d)
April’s total: 78 (2.6/d)
May’s total: 73 (2.354/d)
June’s total: 60 (2/d)
July’s total: 56 (1.806/d)
August’s total: 50 (1.612/d)
September’s total: 73 (2.433/d)

2020 subtotal: 589 sneezes in 274 days: 2.1496/d.